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International Cultural Exchange

Culture Forum
Initiating and launching communicative activities like seminars, meetings, forums, exhibitions, etc.
Book Publication
Publishing books and magazines that carried cultural diversity, practical and innovative environment protection, advanced science and technology, clean energy and carbon footprint.
International Cultural Exchange
Organizing cultural and artistic exchange among people from all walks of life in the world, organizing exhibitions and performances, promoting and advancing friendly exchange between China and foreign cities, organizing mutual visits and establishing sister cities.
TV and movie/new media
Promoting perception ,tolerance and sharing between harmonious development worldwide and diversified cultures through TV, movie and new media, etc.
Cultural Finance
Promote the improvement of identification mechanism, insurance mechanism, trading mechanism, the strengthen of cultural market supervision, and the level of public service through the establishment of special funds, etc.
Cultural Real Estate
With the soul of cultural soft power, providing the systematic services of planning, designing and marketing.
Cultural Protection
Performing non-material cultural heritage protection and Natural and Cultural Heritage protection by ways like training and through tools like law.
Theorical Rearch
Promote theoretical research of the cultural protection, cultural transmission, cross-cultural communication, cultural industry, cultural finance, cultural diversity and other cultural systems.

China Zhong An Peace Culture Communication Co., LTD is the platform to carry out international cultural communication and cooperation for China Zhong An Peace,

World Cultural Diversity Organization is the resource base and the working platform of developing international cultural communication and cooperation for China Zhong An Peace.

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